Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mystery Shopping

The truth about mystery shopping is that you can make money doing it. The first rule is NEVER pay to join. There are many free sites that are authentic. The first time I signed up to mystery shop my husband was very skeptical. He was sure that I was being taken for a ride on the scam pony. However, I did the job and actually received full compensation for my work.
I signed up to shop a pizza joint (no names mentioned as I still shop this place on occasion) and received not only money for rating the job but reimbursement for my meal. I have been paid to buy clothing and gotten reimbursed for my clothing purchase. On occasion I do gas station shops and get my gas paid for and a nice fee for doing the shop.
Most Mystery shopping jobs pay from $5.00 to $12 dollars a job. Some shopping sites pay more as the end of the month draws nearer and they are in desperate need of getting shops done. I have seen jobs pay as high as $50 a job.
Please don't think that just because you live in a small town that you can't do mystery shopping. The truth is that the small towns have fewer people signed up to shop and these are generally the shops that run up into the higher pay scales.

Some tips for making the most money for your time;

1. Try to wait for the later part of the month, the pay will almost always be better.
2. Assign yourself several jobs in the same area to avoid running all over time and thus spending to much at the gas station.
3. Pay close attention to instructions as incorrectly done shops are not paid for.
4. Sign up for several mystery shopping sites this way you increase your job options.
Strategic Reflections
I have personally worked for and been paid by Market force, Strategic Reflections, ASC Retail Merchandising Services and Corporate Research International.

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